Thursday, February 21, 2019

16th Day with Growth Boom Pro

                                                 Hello everyone,

I have started to get questions about Growth Boom Pro that's a good motivation for me so i don't feel alone with my grow taller journey .  Thank you ! Today i went to the gym and did some stretching exercises because it is said that stretching exercises quicken your results though the company told me  that there were not mandatory exercises or diet.

I basically do stretching:

Standing Hamstring Stretch
Piriformis Stretch
Lunge With Spinal Twist
Triceps Stretch
Figure Four Stretch  and so on...   just planning to perform 4 times a week each 30-40 minutes.

I follow up a website online stretching exercises  at

I have a good and a bad news today that  i dropped one of my bottles on the street on my way to the gym and a car just drove on it. Almost all of the capsules in the bottle were  crushed  and no way to take them again. The powder inside the
capsules was fell apart on the street.  I sent an email to growth boom company  to see if i could buy a single bottle since they sell  in packs , luckily they will let me buy single bottle of growth boom capsule form.

Good news is  I am 1.5cm taller now on the 16th Day of taking Growth Boom Pro Max-Plus Kit. 
Let's see if i will shrink or continue to grow taller...

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Growth Boom 8th Day Update...

Hello everyone, Today is on a relatively warm weather in Belgium i wanted to share my 8th day Growth Boom Pro maxplus pack result that i have been taking for 8 days now.  Last time when i got my height measured it was 1cm taller and this has not changed yet that on the 6th day i have increased my  height 1cm taller this is so quick. I sent an email to growth boom company a guy named Ivan replied that rarely it was possible to see quick results and they expected that i would grow taller several inches more in next 3 months now but he told me that average first result was  seen in the 6th month.  I feel lucky to see results so soon. I don't know if it has anything to do with the exercises i do before i go to football matches.

I am now waiting for the bed time that i  will take the growth boom pro powder with juice and also the growth boom pro capsules at bed time.

I can't wait the days to pass by and experience the new me.

My 8th day update :

1. I am 1 cm taller now
2. I feel always more hungry ( but i don't put on weight. I think my metabolism is faster now )
3. I feel lots of energy.  Sometimes i just run with no reason.
4. My skin shines.   I feel energy radiating from my body.
5. i feel now more confidence with the product.

Monday, February 11, 2019

Growth Boom Pro - 6th day update

Today is the 6th day that i have been taking Growth Boom Pro and i am more confident with the product now because i got my height measured at the drugstore that i am actually 1 cm taller with barefoot on the 6th day. I did not expect so fast result because the company told me the results should be seen in the 6th month and then it grows fast.  I am going to get my height measured again at 5 pm to see if it is because of gravity  that people are  few cm taller in the morning and shorter at night.  I am not sure. Only thing i m sure that i feel more hungry and full of energy that was said also normal while  the product works.  I am going to update my progress every few days now.  

I hope to share my results with another user to compare the progress.  This is really my last chance of growing taller.  

5pm update :  i am actually 1 cm taller now. It measures 171 cm .  I am not sure if the height chart is accurate or if it is because of some other reason but i want to believe this is from Growth Boom Pro.  I have still a lot of capsules and tablets to go.   Hopefully this time i am on the right product.   

Friday, February 8, 2019

Growth-Boom-Pro 2nd day Am i growing taller ?

Well , it is my second day of having taken Growth BoomPro today.  I feel much more energy in my body and I did not get tired today's football match at all. I think it is Growth Boom Pro that gives that much energy because i have never felt like this before. I will be measuring my height every month though the company has told me that  the growth happens in the 6th month and then speeds.  I am confident for now. I hope this stuff will not disappoint me in the end.  Let's see together...

I want to explain about Growth Boom directions that in the morning i take one tablet the pro tablet on an empty stomach ( it is one of the bottles with green cap) There is also capsule form of this stuff . It has also the green cap and same size of the bottle as the tablet form.  I take the capsule form at bedtime after one hr eating.

There is a product named Growth Boom Pro Bone Builder : I take this tablet once in the morning  with the pro tablet and one in the evening with the pro capsule

There is also a bottle of Growth Boom Pro Effervescent Tablet that is dissolved in a glass of water and it is taken once every 2 days.

The last one is in a pot that comes in powder form.   I take it with 1/2 tablespoon with a glass of water and drink just before i go to bed. 

Ok guys it is all for now. There is not much to tell on the 2nd day. I need more time to watch the progress but i really can't wait for it... 

Second day  observation :

  • I feel more power - strong
  • My stamina increased
  • I sleep deep
  • I feel more hungry

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

My Growth Boom Pro Results 1st Month


I am Louis Thomas S. , 28 years old man from Belgium.  I have  started this blog to share my Growth Boom Pro max plus  product results so that hopefully i can get in touch with more Growth Boom Pro users to compare my results with other users'.   It was the most expensive investment of my life on a single product that is not only my money but also my hopes and trust on Prof. Robert Kissinger.  Well... we'll see if i will see little to no or remarkable results.  I bought the product on 13th January 2019 and received the order by air mail on  1st February . It was well packed and was not damaged.  I have received 8 months supply  as seen in the photo ( i was told that the max plus kit comes with extra few bottles more and i am going to start to use it today on 6th February and will give you updates every week.  I know there are people out there wondering Growth Boom Pro max plus kit results.   I have spent  4500$ USD with the discount and i really want to see the results... That s a sum of good money especially if you are an employee. The reason i want to grow taller  that in Belgium average male height is 1.77cm  i feel short in general also  I play football in an amateur team.  I am a good header but  i am short  1.70cm  and  my goal is 1.87cm