Hi Everybody,
I want to keep posting my blog because i get many emails everyday. If i can help and touch people's heart i will be pleased. With this article, I want to evaluate the Pros and Cons of being tall from my experience.
I have realized that i used to run faster when i was shorter. When i was shorter i was Much more coordinate and sometimes athletic that could slip through football players in the matches. Maybe in time i will get used to it, however i am more successful in the matches. I am 4 kg weigh more now, which makes me feel little fat. Shirts are usually too short for me and the sleeves aren't long enough. Sometimes i wish that i had stopped taking Growth Boom when i reached 185cm. I feel too tall sometimes.
It seems to me that i get more respect and i am looked up to. I can reach a lot of things that are up high like shelves but i will have to bend down to talk to some people shorter. I don't want to talk about girls part since i am already engaged :) but for singles i think it is more advantageous to be taller... My fiancee says that i look much better being taller . I feel more confidence anywhere while i am walking, doing sports, interviews . I feel stronger.
There may be a question raised in the minds that if could turn the time back, would i choose to be shorter or this tall, my answer is being taller feels wonderful.
I will keep posting according to your questions.
I want to keep posting my blog because i get many emails everyday. If i can help and touch people's heart i will be pleased. With this article, I want to evaluate the Pros and Cons of being tall from my experience.
I have realized that i used to run faster when i was shorter. When i was shorter i was Much more coordinate and sometimes athletic that could slip through football players in the matches. Maybe in time i will get used to it, however i am more successful in the matches. I am 4 kg weigh more now, which makes me feel little fat. Shirts are usually too short for me and the sleeves aren't long enough. Sometimes i wish that i had stopped taking Growth Boom when i reached 185cm. I feel too tall sometimes.
It seems to me that i get more respect and i am looked up to. I can reach a lot of things that are up high like shelves but i will have to bend down to talk to some people shorter. I don't want to talk about girls part since i am already engaged :) but for singles i think it is more advantageous to be taller... My fiancee says that i look much better being taller . I feel more confidence anywhere while i am walking, doing sports, interviews . I feel stronger.
There may be a question raised in the minds that if could turn the time back, would i choose to be shorter or this tall, my answer is being taller feels wonderful.
I will keep posting according to your questions.